What was one of the first meals you learned to make yourself?
How about the first meal you threw together without a recipe?
Or, one that you remember fondly from your childhood?

This meal is the answer to all three of those questions for me. I’m not even sure what made me think about this recipe but I hadn’t made it for years until just the other night. I needed something quick and luckily I had some homemade gluten-free bread on the counter and plenty of eggs in the fridge since my girls have resumed laying once again.

Cowgirl Toast Squares

I’m not going to give you a recipe with specifics here. You’ll have to use your best judgment based on your ingredients on hand.

What you’ll need is:

Bread – somewhat dry bread will work best (I used homemade gluten-free bread)
Eggs – I used my own eggs but you should choose the highest quality available
Leftover bacon fat, butter or lard
Salt & Pepper

This recipe can be made savory or sweet based on your dippers. I typically use ketchup for this but it would be just as good dipped into some local maple syrup or drizzed with raw honey.

Here are the instructions.

For each recipe you will need about 3 cups of cubed bread and 2 eggs. It feeds 2-3 people.

Crack your eggs into a small bowl.

Whisk to combine the yolk and whites.

Add a little bit of salt and pepper and stir well.

In a mixing bowl pour the eggs over the bread cubes.

Stir to cover all the cubes in eggs, allowing a few minutes to soak into the bread. You don’t want any liquid on the bottom of the bowl, but you don’t want uncoated bread cubes either.

Heat a cast iron pan or a naturally non-stick pan over medium heat and add about 1 tablespoon of natural fat. Allow it to melt.

Add bread cubes to the heated pan and stir every few minutes allowing all sides of the bread to brown evenly. I use a spatula for this to scrape them off the pan if needed. Continue to cook in the pan until all the cubes are browned and the bread cubes are firm, not soft or soggy.

That’s pretty much all there is to it. I’m intending to show my son how to make this so he can stop making frozen pizza every chance he gets. It’s faster than baking a pizza, uses quality ingredients and it’s delicious dipped in ketchup or syrup! He’s gonna love it!

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Thalia @ butter and brioche 5.1.2016 - 7:31 pm

i’ve never seen a recipe like this before but i love it!

Janene 1.3.2015 - 7:32 am

These look awesome…and I bet I could make a huge batch and freeze for a quick breakfast a la microwave!


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