Guess what time it is! It’s mid-summer and that means WATERMELON!
As far as nutrition goes, watermelon is an underachiever. It’s mostly water and sugar but man, is it refreshing on those hot summer days. Even though it’s pretty much perfection when it’s 90˚ outside and all you want to do is find some shade by a pool, this Summer Series cocktail takes it to another whole level.
Refreshingly light with hints of vanilla and a little kick of vodka, this is the perfect drink for hot summer days.
I started by juicing a watermelon. What I mean by that is I cubed up a watermelon and ran it in my blender until it was juice. Then, I poured the pulp through cheesecloth to take out any watermelon flesh. What dripped out was a beautifully fresh, gorgeous juice.
I combined that with some cream soda (use your favorite brand), a shot of vodka and little lemon juice for some tang. Watch out because this could sneak up on you if you’re not careful! It’s SO good!
If you like this, you may like some of the other choices in our Spring and Summer drink series:

- 3 c. strained watermelon juice, chilled
- 2 bottles (12 oz. each) cream soda, chilled
- 2 Tbls. Lemon juice, chilled
- 2 shots vodka
- Mix all ingredients together and serve over ice with a watermelon wedge & mint leaves for garnish.
- Serves 4.