Some ya win and some ya don’t. This one I won!
I’ve been making a single biscuit version of this recipe for the last couple months. Since I’m typically the only one eating low-carb in our household, there’s no need for more than one at a time and this is pretty quick to mix up.

But, I got a hankerin’ for biscuits and sausage gravy this morning so I figured I’d try my hand at making a whole batch of these biscuits to save time. Well, they couldn’t have turned out better! They’re light and fluffy but yet not eggy – you low-carb peeps know what I mean by that. It doesn’t seem like you’re eating a scrambled egg. It actually feels like a biscuit when you bite into it and once you put some sausage gravy overtop, it’s perfect.
I don’t have the sausage gravy on here yet because I just made it for the first time tonight but, it’s comin’. Stay tuned.
For now, you can whip up a batch of these babies and enjoy them with all the soups, all the steak and all the chicken you can make. They go with everything!

[tasty-recipe id=”4948″]