Hi, my name is Cherise! I began life as Mr. Farmer’s daughter in 1966. (Yep, go ahead, do the math … It’s okay, I don’t mind.) My father, Mr. Farmer, has been a school teacher since I was born so most people know him as “Mr. Farmer.” My mother was a homemaker and fooled me for most of my life that she loved to cook.
I grew up on a farm in Lancaster County, PA with chickens, pigs, cows, horses, dogs and cats … lots of cats. My parents gardened and raised their own meat. Although my father never actually worked our land, our farmer neighbor grew corn, tobacco, hay and alfalfa on it. Those were the days before ubiquitous soybeans.
I inherited plenty of things from my parents growing up on a farm including a likely diagnosis of cancer. My parents are both cancer survivors – my mom was diagnosed in 1998 with breast cancer and my father with kidney cancer in 2000.

Even though we lived on the farm we spent many years eating the Standard American Diet (SAD). The cancer diagnoses motivated me to change how my family lives and eats. My education on real food and true health began with my mom’s diagnosis. It was reinforced with a food allergy diagnosis for me years later and it continues here. I’m still learning and making new choices every day.
Today I embrace the things I took for granted as a child – self-sufficiency, organic gardening, raising my own food, cooking from scratch, buying local, recycling and resourcefulness. I am a chapter leader for the Weston A. Price Foundation and proudly educate and direct consumers to nutritionally-dense foods. If you’re looking for real food resources, you can go here.
We all vote with our dollars and I believe it’s the consumer that will demand a better product and get it. I’d love to show you how to provide your family with delicious recipes made with quality ingredients. The recipes you’ll find at mrfarmersdaughter.com are often simple and always approachable, even if you’re new to cooking and baking. I welcome any and all questions if you need help getting started.
Welcome to my little world on the big wide web where I share farm-to-table recipes, real food basics and occasional treats – all made gluten-free.
Thanks for journeying being here!
If you have a comment, please be kind about it. We’re all on this journey together and much too often struggle with our own battles.