[#ad] This winter salad will fill all your needs for warmth and flavor. It includes a rainbow of colorful veggies to nourish you well throughout this long, dark season.
It also uses Fat & Happy Food’s MCT oil Italian Dressing – one of my favorite dressings on the market right now. If you’re not familiar with MCT oil, here’s an little more of an explanation. If you’re looking for where you can buy this dressing, here’s a link.

So, back to the recipe. This salad can be any way you want it. You can throw a little cheese on it, leave out the peppers or add some more carrots. Let each person in the family put together their own and everyone will be happy.
You can even serve it with these cheesy biscuits for a side of bread. Perfect, quick winter meal.

[tasty-recipe id=”4967″]