This is a recipe I’ve been wanting to tackle for years. I have no idea why I haven’t make it until now. Perhaps because I associate it with diners and that’s the only place I’ve ever had it. But, now that I can’t eat any diner pies, I figured it was time to make it my own – gluten-free and all.
It turned out WAYYY better than I expected! And, get this, it’s SO simple to mix up. If you buy your gluten-free pie crust, it’s even simpler.

Here’s a tip for you: When you make my gluten-free pie crust recipe, freeze the other half of the recipe. It’ll be mixed up and ready for you to make another pie. Because, pie is life. At least that’s what I say.
So, here it is! I call this a vintage recipe because lots of people just don’t know about this one anymore and I can’t let it be lost! That would be tragic.

[tasty-recipe id=”5251″]