Gluten-free Pork Schnitzel


You know when you make a recipe and you think it’s just okay but someone in your family tells you it’s the best thing they’ve ever had? That was the case with this recipe a while back. I had some pork I need to use up and (is it just me or is pork kinda difficult to cook?) I decided the best idea would be to pound the heck out of it, bread it and fry it.

Because when it doubt, fry it, right?

Gluten-free Pork Schnitzel

So, I fried up this pork loin and my daughter, months later, told me she still dreams about this recipe. Say whaaaat???

I quickly realized that it needed to have a place on the blog here. So, here’s the simplest, most delicious pork recipe to date the blog. Because isn’t the latest one always the best one? It’s even good reheated!

If you’d like to check out a few of my other pork recipes:

Gluten-free Pork Schnitzel

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