Nothing says holiday like a new batch of Homemade Kahlua. I’ve been making this recipe for nearly 15 years although I’ve missed a couple years or three. Now that both of my kids are old enough to partake, it’s even more fun. We even shared it at our Bubbly event last weekend. It was a big hit!
You’ll have to plan ahead on this one because it needs to sit for several weeks for the flavors to meld. I bottle it and allow 3 months but that’s not really necessary. {I show 8 oz. bottles here but you could use these 16 oz. bottles} Four weeks should be sufficient, so if you plan on making it for Christmas, you could do it the week before Thanksgiving. Or, if you make it this week, just put a note on it “Not to be enjoyed until …”
The recipe is so simple. You just need some REALLY strong coffee to make it. I’m thinking it would be an interesting experiment to make several batches using coffees from different countries or flavorings. I may even do that next year. For now, we’re sipping on the classic flavor. {We’re using shot glasses passed down from B’s grandmother but these sweet things are available on Etsy!}

- {1 batch = 8 cups}
- 4 cups cane sugar
- 2-1/2 cups water
- ¾ cup instant coffee (granules)
- ¼ cup vanilla extract
- ¼ cup brandy
- 3-1/4 cup 100 Proof Vodka
- Mix together sugar and water.
- Bring to boil and simmer for 5 minutes.
- Stir instant coffee into sugar water while boiling. Be careful, it will boil up higher.
- Remove from heat and add vanilla, brandy and vodka.
- Allow to cool to room temperature.
- Pour into bottles and allow to sit for at least 4 weeks.
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Two questions: 1. Is there a difference between white sugar and cane sugar? 2. Is the coffee prepared coffee or 3/4 cup of the coffee crystals?
Thanks for your questions! I’m sorry I missed them in the craziness of the holidays.
1) As for the sugar, there might be a difference and there might now be. You’ll need to check the packaging. White sugar could be made with either beet sugar or cane sugar. I choose cane sugar because it has not been genetically modified. Nearly all beet sugar is modified to withstand glyphosate, a dangerous herbicide/pesticide.
2) The coffee is the organic coffee granules.