Take a {digestive} Break

by mrfarmersdaughter.com



Taking a digestive break

You’re working hard. I get it. You keep going day after day. Trying to keep up, trying to do the right thing, paying attention to choices you make. Yep, me too.

And then … something goes wrong.

How do you address those times? Do you try to push through? Do you step back and evaluate the situation? Do you attempt to make a course correction?

I could be talking about life or health – or both. Let me address our health here though, particularly our digestive health.

For years I’ve been trying to balance my health through my food choices and lifestyle. I realize I won’t ever be in perfect balance. That will always elude me. But, I can bring my health to a point where problems are minor and can be corrected with slight changes in my choices.

Recently I was on a business trip and was accidentally glutened. I ordered a chicken burger (no bun) at a recommended restaurant and never considered that it might have bread crumbs in it. Sometimes I forget that people don’t prepare their foods the way I do at home. I neglected to ask enough questions and paid for it that night and seemingly over the next week. I just couldn’t seem to get back on track even eating a safe diet and keeping everything “clean.”

The best way I’ve found to address these ongoing issues is to take a digestive break. Just like when you are working hard physically and you need to give your muscles a break, I’m give my digestive system a break and let everything run its course.

This is easy for some, extremely difficult for others. Letting go of food for a day or two is counter intuitive although sometimes necessary. I will say the one thing that helps me the most is recognizing when I’m feeling lousy and also when I’m feeling good. We all make excuses for the little aches, pains, digestive issues and exhaustion we feel. I do it too. But, after a while I just get tired of feeling tired and sickly. You have the power to change that feeling. Let that empowerment be your motivator.

One of the most healing foods I’ve ever found is bone broth. I know, I know, I hear it from my friends all the time that when I call it “bone broth” it just sounds disgusting but honestly, properly prepared broth made by including the bones has all kinds of nutritional and healing benefits to it. You can read more about it here and here.

At this point in my health journey one day of a broth only diet is usually enough to calm my digestive system down and allow me to start over the next day by including plenty of probiotics, fermented cod liver oil, vegetables and a little meat. I add in other foods, including gluten-free grains, as I recognize a healthy response from my body.

When you’re feeling like you need a little more balance in your system sometimes we could all use a little {digestive} break.


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